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8. Dec. 2016 ESCP Europe Paris

10th Business & Society Research Seminar

Join us in Paris on 8. December for a lecture by Monique Dagnaud on the Collaborative Economy - The Californian model. How the collaborative mind changes the world


30. Nov. – 2. Dec. 2016 ESCP Europe Berlin

Kick-Off meeting of the EU Horizon2020 project “Industry in the Circular Economy” - Route2π










and Paris Campus under the lead of Prof. Dr. Sylvie Geisendorf, will be the transfer of Circular Business Models into academia.

The innovation of R2π lies in having a strong business-focus, examining stimuli beyond environmental goals (including ICT and eco-innovation), and in examining the role of policy innovation (including the use of policy nudges and of "policy packages"). R2π unfolds in diverse contexts with a strong emphasis on involvement and exchange. The research design employs mixed-methods, with a strong emphasis on case studies but also including desktop research, feasibility assessments (including surveys where applicable), policy formulation & stakeholder involvement.

Together with 13 partners from 9 member states we will kick-off a three year EU project on the Circular Economy at ESCP Europe´s Berlin Campus. The project known as Route to Pi or R2π examines how the concept of a Circular Economy (CE) can be translated into Circular Economy Business Models (CEBM). The role of ESCP Europe, participating with several renowned professors from our Berlin

24.-25. December 2016

ESSA@Work – A Workshop on Agent Based Simulation at the TU Hamburg-Harburg

On November 24th & 25th 2016 a group of 15 researchers with various disciplinary backgrounds, gathered at TU Hamburg at the ESSA@Work Workshop to present and discuss innovative ideas and ongoing research regarding Agent-Based models (ABM). The diversity in academic backgrounds was reflected by differing modeling approaches, ranging from production and logistics management over integrated assessment models in climate economics to a legislative focus on autonomous driving. The common ground of the participants was the conviction that the methodology of ABM is an appropriate tool to cope with complex problems.

Facing some criticism regarding the validity and transparency of ABM assumptions, the ESCP Europe research team around Professor Dr. Sylvie Geisendorf applied a “Design Of Experiments” (DOE) framework method to the well-known Sugarscape model by Epstein/Axtell (1996). The methodology has been developed to verify and test ABMs. The test application pointed out significant relationships and feedback effects within the model.

The platform provided by the workshop was a welcome opportunity to engage and discuss with other experienced simulation researchers about ways to improve the communication of model results and increasing validity. For us the workshop was a true success and the newly generated insights will support our future research.


20. May 2016 ESCP Europe Berlin

On May 20th 2016 over 20 renowned economists like Prof. Dr. UIrich Witt (Honorary Professor at the University of Jena) and Frank Beckenbach (University of Kassel) gathered for an AGENT-BASED MODELING (ABM) workshop at ESCP Europe Berlin Campus. The workshop on “Agent-based Modeling in Ecological Economics – A useful tool or just a fancy gadget?” was organized and funded by the Sustainability Research Center SustBusy.
The first ABM workshop in of its kind investigated the potential of ABM for Ecological Economics. Agent-based models have acquired a place among other modeling tools in economics, but not an uncontested one. Participants had an active discussion on the usefulness of ABM, in which we also highlighted critical views. The main critique being the subjective arbitrariness of the behavioral assumptions, it was pointed out that the community should continue to strengthen the fact that differing plausible assumptions may still offer more insights into real behavior than the standard economic assumption of perfect rationality. While, admittedly, being clear-cut and unequivocal, the latter also comes with the disadvantage of being definitely wrong. ABM modelers should continue
to point out the relevance of more adequate models, and, at the same time, strive for better theoretical foundations of agents´ behavior.


26. January 2016, ESCP Europe Berlin

Admissions for the new Master in International Sustainability Management are now open for Fall 2016!

In cooperation with SustBusy Master Programme with a strong international dimension was created: participants study at ESCP Europe in Berlin and Paris and benefit from ESCP Europe’s global faculty, an international classroom and a worldwide corporate network. Through full modules on company-specific issues such as sustainability culture, supply chains or CSR reporting, students will gain a broad knowledge on all fields of sustainability management. The Programme gives students the chance to build business links, as ESCP Europe has strong partnerships with leading international companies. Company consultancy projects, internships and career days help students to build their own corporate network. In addition, foreign language courses and an engaged career service support their personal and professional development during the two years.

Find out about the programme here or feel free to contact the Programme Manager Jessica Thater.

Please note: We offer an Early Bird Discount of 10% for applications submitted by March 31, 2016!



14. January 2016, ESCP Europe Paris

The 5th research seminar on "Business and Society" on January 14th will kick-off the new year. The research center SustBusy welcomes Primavera de Fillipe from CERSA CNRS -Université Paris II and Berkman Center for Internet and Society at Harvard University for the presentation on: "Distributed Governance and Blockchain Technology."


The Business & Society Research Seminar is a multidisciplinary seminar focusing on Business and Society (B&S) issues. It is meant to cut across disciplines and thematic bounders (management, law, sociology, economics…) to favor exchanges among scholars on large-scale societal problems. Business & Society Research questions the ways in which business and society affect each other. Topics covered may include (without any pretention of being exhaustive): business ethics, corporate sustainability, social and environmental implications of global businesses and value chains, business/government relations, innovative business models at the intersection of public and private interest.







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